

Discover the growing evidence base for how relationships drive access to opportunity, and explore real-world examples of social capital design and measurement in action.



Case Studies

students' networks

Building students’ networks is imperative. Here’s how to make it a routine part of education.

In July 2023, our team published “People-powered pathways: Lessons in how to build students’ social capital through career-connected learning.” In the report, we describe successes and challenges in bringing social capital–building strategies to a variety of educational settings. Our observations draw from an 18-month pilot during which we leveraged our social capital playbook to provide […]

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Talk is cheap: Why students need immersive experiences to build strong professional networks

In July 2023, our team published “People-powered pathways: Lessons in how to build students’ social capital through career-connected learning.” In the report, we describe successes and challenges in bringing social capital–building strategies to a variety of educational settings. Our observations draw from an 18-month pilot during which we leveraged our social capital playbook to provide […]

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Measuring what matters: The importance of assessing social capital in career-connected learning

In July 2023, our team published “People-powered pathways: Lessons in how to build students’ social capital through career-connected learning.” In the report, we describe successes and challenges in bringing social capital–building strategies to a variety of educational settings. Our observations draw from an 18-month pilot during which we leveraged our social capital playbook to provide […]

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What makes college ‘social capital machines’ for some, but not all, students?

With college, the research suggests, comes connection. In recent years, multiple studies looking at economic mobility, friendship circles, and adults’ job, education, and housing networks, have revealed a consistent “connection premium” enjoyed by college grads. Most colleges aren’t shy about marketing themselves as hubs of connection. But if colleges care about equity and access, there’s […]

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Don’t just pay interns, help them build networks

Summer internships are a proven gateway to jobs. But that gateway is not equally open to students from different backgrounds. Low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented students’ internship participation rates lag behind those of their wealthier, white peers. Moreover, access to paid internships, which are associated with long-term wage premiums, remains uneven along lines of race and class. Any organization with an internship program […]

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